Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Eye is Coming...

Okay okay. I've been talking about The Red Eye for quite some time now but haven't revealed much beyond the fact that it's a "sci-fi mystery epic." So now is the time to actually talk about it a bit. I'm a little less than half way through drawing the first issue so I figure it's time to start getting you people excited for this thing.

A lot of folks have been asking "What is The Red Eye?" Well here's your answer. The Red Eye is a science fiction noir comic book that I've been working on for over a year now. It's pretty much a combination of my favorite types of comics. I love the Frank Miller hard-boiled noir stuff, I love the detective based Batman stuff, and I love sci-fi stuff. So why not throw it all into a blender and see what came out? What I got was The Red Eye. Set in the year 2365 on the distant planet Andari Prime, The Red Eye takes all that mystery noir stuff that I so love and throws it into a killer science fiction setting. So I get to do kick-ass mysteries and still draw aliens and spaceships and cool weapons.

And the character The Red Eye is pretty awesome as well (if I may say so.) He's not your typical strong-jawed good-guy hero. I mean don't get me wrong he's a good guy, but while he's battling the bad guys, he's also battling his own inner demons. And a lot of that will be because of his past (which will be revealed at later date.)

The series is going to kick off with the first story arc, tentatively titled "Origins," sometime this year. I'm shooting for a summer release for the first issue because I'd like to have that at The Creep Show in September. So what is The Red Eye? I'd say it's Batman, Sin City, and Fear Agent all tossed into a blender with a hint of Hellboy. Well, I've revealed enough for now. Keep checking back for more info!

- K.

P.S. Silent Boy versus Hell is now in the coloring stages.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Welcome to the Creep Show

Hey folks,

Zombie Worx Productions will be making their first full-fledged convention appearance this fall. Mark your calendars for September 15, 2007. Zombie Worx Productions will be appearing at Rotten Jack's Creep Show at Club Infinity in Buffalo, NY. We'll be selling books, paintings, and hopefully more!

Also, The Misadventures of Silent Boy - Volumes I-III: The Gruesome High Year Book hardcover is coming next Tuesday March 20, 2007!! So save up your buckses 'cause it'll run ya' $37.50, but it is chock-full of TMoSB awesomeness! This 125 page hardcover special edition contains every issue of TMoSB ever! That's right 53 issues of Silent Boy plus 6 full-color pinups, sketches from PULP: The Old Kingdom and more! So get your monies together!

- K.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Hardcover cover cover cover...

Hey folks,

As I'm gearing up to get The Misadventures of Silent Boy Volumes I - III: The Gruesome High Year Book 2003 - 2006 hardcover ready for publication awesomeness I figured I'd share the cover art with you wonderful folks. It's nothing too fancy. I wanted it to look like an actual year book so here it is!


This book is gonna be pretty damn awesome considering it features every issue of TMoSB ever. The only thing not in this book is Silent Boy versus Hell. So yeah. You NEED this book. There will also be sketches from Pulp and a bunch of awesome pin-ups. And my good friend/guitarist for The Knockdown, Jason Mosher, will be doing the introduction, which makes me obscenely excited.

Well, that's all for now folks. Have a good night.

- K.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Studio/Workspace Tour

This is a bit of a joke/parody of the featurette CBR is currently doing about different writer & artists' studios. But also mayhaps it will helpful to anyone who is interested. So here we go.


This is where I do all my pencils and inks (which means sitting there drinking tea in my pajama pants until 4am). Nothing too fancy. I got me a little lazy susan thing to hold my pencils and pens. It's actually set-up at my dining room table right now 'cause I don't have a real office at the moment.


Here is where I do all my script writing and coloring. I'm actually waiting on the funds to get a new scanner so I can scan the comic boards I've been working on. I run a G4 eMac right now. I plan on getting more RAM in the very near future so it runs a little smoother. I also have a Wacom Graphire3 drawing tablet, I'd like to upgrade to an Intuos or Cintique once I have more monies but that's just not gonna happen right now. I usually use Abobe Photoshop CS2 for coloring and putting the books together. I do all my web design stuff on this computer as well. This is actually setup in my bedroom right now due to the lack of a real office once again.


Here's my sketchbook (the black book) and my note book (the maroon book). I use the note book for brainstorming different ideas usually while lying in bed at 5am. There's also a note pad there that I use to write down little crap for myself. You can also notice the mirror that I use to help me figure out facial expressions and to help me get dressed in the morning. (How risque!) There's also some other papers there; some reference material for Pulp. You can also see my Hellboy action figures. Yes, I am a huge dork and obsessive Hellboy/B.P.R.D. fan.


Here's my bookshelf with some of my comics. Mostly there's trade paperbacks and graphic novels, but there are some loose issues mixed in. I use these as reference material and of course for pleasure reading. I keep buying comics telling myself that it's for inspiration. There's also some toys and knicknacks on the shelf.


Here's my corkboard that is remarkably empty at the moment. Usually, it's cluttered as all hell, usually to the point where I can't find shit.


I keep a lot of toys and little crap around just to keep the environment fun. Also some action figures are great for coming up with different poses. I especially like using my Roger and Lobster Johnson figures for that. As you can see my geekiness runs from Star Wars and Lord of the Rings to Invader Zim and Ghostbusters and more. And there's a beer-cozey that my friend Eva made me.


I also have lots of movie and music posters up. I'm a big Evil Dead and Nightmare Before Christmas fan as you can see. I've also got a couple movie banners (the little signs they put above the entrance to the theater so you know what movie you're going to see) that I got from a friend who works at a theater.

Well that's it for now. Or at least until I have a proper office. Hope you guys enjoyed seeing my disaster of a workspace.

Changes a'Comin'...

Hey folks,

I'm going to be making some changes to the Zombie Worx website over the next week or so. I'm even considering redesigning it. A lot of that will depend on time and patience. Heh. I really want the site to be attractive on all web browsers. 'Cause while it looks purdy on Safari and FireFox, it looks awful on IE due to the lack of png support. So... yeah...

- K.