Here it is! The preview for The Red Eye: Lost to the Future Issue #4. I am so excited about where this whole thing is going that I really can't wait to share the rest of the story with you guys. So here it is:
- K.
P.S. Pictures from The Buffalo Small Press Book Fair coming soon!
I got some new art for all y'all. It's the blank poster art for Rotten Jack's Creep Show 2!!! The show will be taking place this September here in Buffalo yet again. And, of course, yours truly will be there with my weird wares. So without further notice here it be...
When I do coloring exercises I like to use other guys pencils & inks to help me think outside of my normal habits. So for this one I found a killer Batman pic on Jim Lee's MySpace and did the colors for it. If you don't know who Jim Lee is... well... shame on you. You should immediately go out and pick up a copy of All-Star Batman written by the legendary Frank Miller and drawn by Jim Lee. Alright no more talk... picture time... enjoy! Let me know what you folks think.
Well, it's obscenely late but after 13 hours of work yesterday The Red Eye: Lost to the Future #3 is officially out for you purchasing pleasure. Head on over to the Lulu Storefront and get your copy! Also Issue #4 will be coming out this month as planned. I am going to make damn sure of that. And now that I'm back on a decent schedule I know I can keep that promise barring some horrific accident. So thanks for sticking with us on this and keep checking back for more good stuff!
Kyle is a NY Times Best Selling comics writer best known for his work on the WWII zombie anthologies FUBAR, as well as the horror comedy Igor: Occult Detective. His past projects have included Monstrosity, Pulp, The Red Eye, and The Misadventures of Silent Boy.