Friday, August 24, 2007

Pulp Update

Hey folks,

I got some good news and bad news (depending on how you look at it, I suppose.) Pulp will not be featured in the first issue of The Red Eye (That's the bad news). However, Pulp will be becoming it's very own feature-length comic book. It's looking like the issues for The Red Eye are going to take up the full 23 pages, so there's no room for the Pulp pages. So, I've decided that Pulp will become my side-project per say. So that means you have a new comic to look forward to in 2008! Well, that's all for now.

- K.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Creep Show is Coming!

Hey guys. Rotten Jack's Creep Show is, well, creeping up on us. So I wanted to give you folks the rundown of what I'll be doing whilst sitting at my table that lovely September evening. I will be selling the following items:

- Silent Boy versus Hell graphic novels
- The Red Eye: Lost to the Future Issue #1
- Original paintings
- Zombie Worx Productions t-shirts
- Custom Zombie Charicatures (done on the spot)

So get your tickets now! The Creep Show is September 15, 2007. Doors open at 6pm @ Club Infinity.
8166 Main Street
Williamsville, NY

In news that gets filed under "Too Fuckin' Cool" the brilliant Bill Doetterl created a custom Silent Boy action figure! Bill is a custom action figure builder based out of Hamburg, NY and some of his pieces have fetched up to $500.00 on eBay and other places!! I met Bill last Saturday at the book signing and was shocked and honored when offered to make a Silent Boy figure for free no less. So here's a picture Bill sent me, as I am awaiting the arrival of the actual figure.

Well, I leave you folks with that for now.

- K.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Underground Comics

Zombie Worx Productions, Zombie Ink Comics, and Art of the Underground are joining forces to bring you Art of the Underground Comics!!! The comic series will feature members of AotU's artist roster and will be written by AotU founder Alex Kerns with art by Kyle J. Kaczmarczyk (me). Both parties are extremely excited to be working with one another. We're looking forward to see what this partnership will bring. So stay tuned for more news as it arrives!

- K.

P.S. Check out Art of the Underground via this link. And make sure you check out their insane selection of albums!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Zombie Ink Comics!

Hey guys,

I'm officially opening the print-division of Zombie Worx Productions. It's called Zombie Ink Comics! Through this I'm going to start releasing The Red Eye and Pulp, which will still be printed by Lulu at this point. I am obscenely excited about all this! By the way, the first 10 pages of the first issue of The Red Eye are finished! I just have to get more art board before I can finish it up. I should be able to order more soon. Well that's really all for now. Take care folks!

- K.