Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Creep Show is Coming!

Hey guys. Rotten Jack's Creep Show is, well, creeping up on us. So I wanted to give you folks the rundown of what I'll be doing whilst sitting at my table that lovely September evening. I will be selling the following items:

- Silent Boy versus Hell graphic novels
- The Red Eye: Lost to the Future Issue #1
- Original paintings
- Zombie Worx Productions t-shirts
- Custom Zombie Charicatures (done on the spot)

So get your tickets now! The Creep Show is September 15, 2007. Doors open at 6pm @ Club Infinity.
8166 Main Street
Williamsville, NY

In news that gets filed under "Too Fuckin' Cool" the brilliant Bill Doetterl created a custom Silent Boy action figure! Bill is a custom action figure builder based out of Hamburg, NY and some of his pieces have fetched up to $500.00 on eBay and other places!! I met Bill last Saturday at the book signing and was shocked and honored when offered to make a Silent Boy figure for free no less. So here's a picture Bill sent me, as I am awaiting the arrival of the actual figure.

Well, I leave you folks with that for now.

- K.

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