Monday, October 22, 2007

Searching for a Former Clarity...

Okay, so I'll give you folks a bit of a forewarning. This isn't technically an art post or announcement post or anything like that. However, I felt it was still relevant to the creative process so I'm posting it.

Earlier this evening I talked to a friend of mine whom I haven't talked to in over a month. Now for him and I, that is a very long time as we used to live only a few blocks away from one another and hang out several times a week. And at least once a week, we'd have a long in-depth conversation regarding whatever was going on in our lives.

Today I realized how important those conversations were. They help me clear my mind of all the bullshit that clogs up the brain meats. They give me focus and clarity. Whether it's expelling stupid random information or deep philosophical ideas, our conversations always leave me feeling mentally refreshed and ready to get back to it.

Today for example, we discussed that sometimes it's important to do things that we wouldn't normally do so that we can at least attempt to do the things that we love in the future. For my friend it's going back to school and eventually going to grad school. For me it's working a shitty job on top of doing art work to pay my bills... (art alone does not put food on the table and keep the lights on... not yet, at least.) But it was good to have that conversation and to remind myself of why I'm living my life the way I am right now.

So now I'm feeling much better and much more motivated. So here we go... back into the game.

- K.

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